Now that March is upon us and the ground is beginning to thaw, it is time to start planning and prepping your lawn and garden for the Toronto summer. Landscaping really makes all the difference to the exterior of one’s home, and if you plan your Toronto spring landscaping project now, in March, the exterior of your home is going to be a sight to see come spring time (just around the corner!).
At Elm Landscaping, we are award-winning landscape architects and designers who have made landscaping our daily passion. With our experience and expertise, we thought it would be helpful to share some of the best tips for preparing your lawn and garden for a Toronto spring and summer (and really a fall and even a winter!) with an exquisite garden landscape for your home. Read on to hear how to best prepare your Toronto spring landscaping for a summer (and year!) of beautiful outdoor scenes.
Make your outdoors clean
Your first task, of course, is to clean up your lawn and garden, getting it ready for new growth. Collect any debris that has piled up throughout the winter, clearing your lawn and garden of any wet leaves, dead plants or trees, twigs, and, obviously, any garbage. If you prepared your property in the fall with protective covers and mulch, then it is time to remove all of those as well.
Take your time to go through your garden and lawn hunting for any mold or fungus growth. These like to hide in obscure places, so do take your time with this, as mold and fungus can destroy gardens and lawns. Likewise, check for any hibernating insects, which can equally destroy plant-life, and if you do uncover any, speak with a professional who can identify the species and get rid of it properly.
Take a walk around the circumference of your property, inspecting your fencing and gates. Any damages should be fixed now to prevent animals from accessing your property and eating or digging up your garden.
First gardening moves
Once the temperature is mild (at least 7 degrees Celsius), start pruning trees and bushes, tightening them up and getting rid of any dead limbs. For particularly tall trees, we suggest hiring a professional who has the proper tools and safety equipment for executing a more difficult and dangerous task like this.
With the ground thawed, now is the time to transplant any bushes or trees you intend to move. Be warry that the plant’s experience here is one of trauma, so be incredibly kind to anything you move by giving it lots of water immediately and continuously over the first few weeks after the transplant.
It is a good idea to also dethatch your lawn now that the ground has thawed. A layer of thatch can work as a good protective measure, but too much thatch (more than one inch) can have detrimental effects on your lawn, drying out the grass’ roots and killing it. If you find any brown, bare, or waterlogged spots on your lawn, aerate it by adding holes in the soil to allow oxygen, moisture, and nutrients to penetrate troubled areas.
Making garden life happen
With everything prepped, you’re ready to start planting. Seeding your lawn in the spring is a good plan, but always be sure to do this before mid-April, as much later will risk temperatures too hot for new growth. The best plan for seeding your lawn though is actually in the fall when there are less weeds. If you missed this in the fall, don’t worry – the spring can do just fine, but be sure to water any new seeds regularly.
Fertilizing the lawn is a good idea for a thick, healthy lawn, but don’t use too much, or you could be fighting yourself. To maintain your lawn, continue mowing, weeding, and trimming frequently throughout the spring. Ideally, only the top third of your grass blades should be trimmed when mowing.
Adding a layer of mulch to your garden will not only provide a layer of protection for growing plants and flowers, but it also conserves water and suppresses weed growth.
With this, you have laid the foundation for an incredible lawn and garden for your Toronto summer. If you require assistance, tools, or advice for your landscaping project, speak with your Elm Landscaping expert today.