Toronto Real Estate is at its peak. Thankfully, some of the air is being let out of that Real Estate bubble and you’ve managed to carve out your own space in this amazing city. No matter the size, our Toronto Landscaping experts can transform your outdoor living space into nirvana. Whether your dream is to open a bottle of Niagara Ice Wine in your outdoor oasis with full living space, or just want to make your front entrance or patio more inviting, our design experts have the solution.
10′ – 15′ Outdoor Space
With such cozy quarters you might want to eliminate lawn care all together and explore a sleek, minimalist design with pavers or natural stone work. Elm’s masonry experts can create the design look you desire from modern to lush to rustic. Turn your whole backyard into a patio with intimate seating for two or add retaining walls that double as extended seating.
So what about greenery? Adding an arbor or pergola allows you to think up and maximize your space without compromising on seating. Our landscape construction team will take you through the step-by-step process of adding design elements that match your unique vision. Framing a smaller space gives the illusion of space and creates length. This can also be achieved by adding small shrubs and potted trees.
Adding plants and flowers is a simple way to maximize space and add colour to your neutral backdrop. Planters are the ultimate solution for a small outdoor space as they are easy to maintain and allow your creativity to shine. Our landscape design experts will help you select plants that match your vision, colour palette, and most importantly, your level of sun exposure. In Toronto’s west-end it’s typical to enjoy a shaded backyard when the humidex starts pushing 30 degrees. Choosing plants that will thrive in your space will maximize their life span and ensure your oasis looks its best all season long.
Insider tip: Stagger your planters in an asymmetrical pattern to create fullness.
15′ – 25′ Outdoor Space
With a little more room to play with you can create zones that give the illusion of space. This may seem contradictory, but by breaking up your backyard into intentional nooks you maximize the space. This can be achieved through walkways, clusters of furniture or by creating levels through architectural landscaping.
Focusing on the corners will allow you to take advantage of perspective. By cheating your furniture, walkways and planters towards corners will create the illusion of space. Those rules of depth and perception we all learned in art class have their place here. Choose a natural corner, such as one created by a fence, and make it a focal point by adding a fire pit or large floral arrangement.
Insider tip: Embrace the cozy. Highlight small nooks with lush planters and closely arranged furniture to enhance the intimacy of your little piece of heaven.
25′ + Outdoor Space
So you’ve scored a gorgeous piece of the Toronto landscape and you want to make the most of your investment. The first thing to do is ask yourself HOW you are going to use the space. Outdoor dining for 10? Intimate reading nook and escape for 2? Family retreat complete with soccer practice and yoga on the lawn? Our landscaping experts can help you make the most of your outdoor living space.
Choosing a mixture of lawn and pavers will create a natural distinction between relaxation and play. Keeping the lawn full with a great patio will create a family escape for everyone to enjoy. Breaking up the landscape the walkways and garden nooks will add intimacy.
Insider tip: Choose plants that grow UP instead of OUT. Horizontal space is at a premium, maximize your space by going vertical to add colour without compromising on space.
No matter the size of your outdoor living space, our experts at Elm Landscaping will work with you to create the backyard that fits your lifestyle and budget.